This path leads up to Powerline Pass, where I usually enter the Chugach mountains. Its about 15 minute's walk from my home. This is actually a shot taken at the end of the hike, when it was partly sunny. When I set off, on Saturday morning, it was socked in, foggy and drizzly.
Sorry for the lousy formatting. Blogger is really ridiculously lame for formatting posts.
I replenished my water from this crystal mountain stream, on my way to climbing over the second pass of the hike. 
The abundance of berries is incredible this year. These are what we call "crow berries" up here. The seeds are slightly bitter, but the berry juice makes fantastic jelly.
More crow berries, with lichen. We've got lots of blueberries this year, too. I spent about four hours picking blueberries a couple weeks ago, and got about one gallon. Using about a third of a gallon, I made nine jars of jam. They're all gone.
Sunday night, I camped on that knoll on the mountainside, above the lake.
Dawn, looking out the tent flap at 6:00 AM.
Back into Powerline Pass. Almost home.
For my sore feet. Aaaahhhhh.

Here's the valley I camped in the first night. This picture was taken on the second day, however, after hiking most of the way out of the valley. My camp was actually just beneath that peak on the left, and I hiked into the valley by climbing over a pass to the right of the peak.

More crow berries, with lichen. We've got lots of blueberries this year, too. I spent about four hours picking blueberries a couple weeks ago, and got about one gallon. Using about a third of a gallon, I made nine jars of jam. They're all gone.

The blogger software that comes with is hugely frustrating, klunky, and buggy. It won't let me upload more than five photos at a time, and I can't format or place them in any manageable way. Even text is likewise unmanageable. Sometimes I have to insert hyphens between paragraphs to keep them all from running together, and other times I have to delete truckloads of line-feeds that get mysteriously inserted between paragraphs. Is there some other blogging software anyone would recommend I try?
Jacob: Thank you for your very insightful & helpful comments. I plan to respond.
Best regards,